
Short-Term Rental Insurance Options for Hosts

April 15, 2024

The short-term rental market has grown significantly, with many platforms simplifying the process for property owners seeking extra income. Yet, these opportunities also bring new risks that need to be managed carefully if property owners decide to offer short-term renters the keys. Unlike long-term tenants who sign traditional lease agreements, short-term tenants are unpredictable: accidents could happen unexpectedly; guests could damage property unknowingly; liability issues might even surface as potential stumbling blocks if liability issues surface - that is where short-term rental insurance options for hosts play an essential role!

Why Standard Insurance Policies Can Fall Short 

Unfortunately, short-term rental hosts sometimes mistakenly assume that their standard homeowner's policies provide sufficient coverage. While such insurance typically protects against risks like fire and theft as well as disasters like tornados or earthquakes, such coverage often excludes business activities like short-term rentals; if an injury happens on your premises and damage occurs because of guests, your standard policy might reject claims left unpaid resulting in repair costs, replacement expenses or medical costs being left on you as responsibility for compensation payments by your guest(s).

Short-Term Rental Insurance Provides Peace of Mind

This coverage has been designed specifically to address the unique requirements of vacation rental property owners. It includes comprehensive protection such as:

Liability Coverage

This policy protects you against potential financial liability if a guest experiences bodily or property damages during their stay at your rental, such as medical costs, legal fees, or settlement payments. This coverage could cover medical bills as well as potential settlement payouts or costs from legal disputes resulting from their stay.

Property Damage Coverage

It reimburses you for expenses related to repairing or replacing property damaged by guests, whether accidentally or intentionally. It covers everything from furniture and appliances, etc.

Purchase Loss of Income Coverage 

Protect against potential rental income loss caused by covered events, like fire or accidental damage from visitors by purchasing loss of income coverage.

Additional Living Expenses Coverage

It provides assistance for alternative accommodation costs if an insured event renders your rental home inhabitable or leads to its becoming inhabitable.

Selecting the Optimal Short-Term Rental Insurance

Determining which short-term rental policy best meets your property type, rental frequency, and risk preferences depends upon several variables; here's an overview of available insurance solutions:

Add Endorsements to Existing Homeowner's Policy

Certain insurance providers offer endorsements to existing homeowner policies, which extend coverage of short-term rentals and are economical. However, coverage limits may be reduced compared with standalone short-term rental insurance policies.

Standalone Short-Term Rental Insurance

Nowadays, most insurance companies offer short-term rental insurance, which is designed especially for that type of business and offers more coverage and higher limits than endorsements. Summit Cover, the short-term rental division of Summit Insurance Kelowna, offers various coverage types suitable for our customers' needs.

Platform-Provided Insurance

The majority of platforms provide basic host liability insurance; however, most coverage limits are meager and may not fully cover the expense of priceless properties or serve as a buffer against lawsuits.

The Major Issues for a Vacation Rental Insurance Consideration

When making decisions regarding short-term rental insurance policies, here are key aspects that need to be kept in mind:

  • Coverage Limits: Verify your policy would adequately cover both liability and property damage issues, including whatever value is assigned to the property, guest turnover rate, and what activities are allowed on the property.
  • Deductible: Make a choice of a deductible that correlates with your comfort zone just in case of an insurance claim, the higher the deductible, the lower your premiums.
  • Guest Screening Services: The policies of some venues provide the organizations with a discount if they book their guests through guest screening services for renters.
  • Acknowledging Excluded Activities: ​When deciding on events and parties, watch out for the activities that might require more insurance than is covered to reduce and handle risks appropriately.

Summit Cover Is Your Reliable Short-Term Rental Insurance Partner

Summit Cover is aware of the peculiar difficulties associated with short-term rental hosts. Therefore, our short-term rental insurance solutions are carefully constructed to be both comprehensive and adaptable, protecting property, guests, and the peace of mind of hosts alike. Our short-term rental specialists are on hand to guide you through every facet of this type of policy to find one suitable to both guests and hosts alike.

Reach Out to Summit Cover Now!

Don't let fear of possible risks prevent you from reaping the rewards of short-term rentals; with appropriate short-term rental insurance in place, renting can become worry-free and maximize income potential. Contact Summit Cover for a complimentary quote to learn how we can assist in protecting your investment and guests. Also, check out our landlord insurance policy!

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