
Cybersecurity Tips for a Safe Technology Experience

May 11, 2024

As our digitized world incessantly grows, online safety has become critical. From social media interactions to banking online, our lives are more and more digitalized - offering unquestionable comfort, while at the same time, too many dangers come from cybercrimes.

At SummitCover, a top provider of Tech and Media Insurance Canada - as well as Directors & Officers Liability insurance policies - we understand cybersecurity's vital importance to businesses and individuals alike. For this reason, we've put together 10 Cybersecurity Tips for a Safe Technology Experience!

1. Keep Your Software Current

Releasing updates should not be perceived as insignificant problems, instead, they are the reasons for cybersecurity. Manufacturers publish patches to plug in the holes exploited by cybercriminals in their software. The patches often fix flaw problems, bugs, and compatibility issues as well. Allowing for automatic updates makes sure the protection of your devices and software is ensured with the most updated security measures available.

2. Choose Strong and Unique Passwords 

Think of passwords as digital locks to protect your online accounts from thieves; any weak ones like birthdays or common phrases could easily be broken by hackers, so the key lies in choosing strong, unique ones for each account - here are a few strategies for crafting impenetrable passwords: 

  • Length is the most important rule: The password must be at least 12 characters long.
  • Diversity strengthens security: Use uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols when choosing passwords that should protect multiple accounts. 
  • Uniqueness matters: Avoid using identical passwords across accounts.

Think of buying a password manager that creates and securely stores passwords for every one of your different logins.

3. Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Adding two-factor authentication will make your accounts and online activities much more secure, as this defense system now requires more than just a password; instead of relying solely on a system of physical keys, you will now have to prove your identity using another authentication step in case you are trying to sign in from a new device or from a different location (for instance, receiving a code to your phone directly from an authenticator app).

4. Pay Attention to Phishing Emails

Phishing is a method cyber criminals use to secure personal sensitive data or place malware on devices. Phishing emails often look genuine; some even mimic legitimate institutions such as banks or social media platforms - here's how to detect an attempt:

  • Suspicious sender addresses: Check the sender's email address carefully. Does it seem legitimate? Are there any typos or unusual characters?
  • Urgent or threatening language: Be careful about emails that press for an immediate response or threaten consequences for non-compliance.
  • Generic greetings and requests: Phishing emails often use generic greetings and requests rather than your name to address you directly.
  • Suspicious links or attachments: Never open any attachments or follow links provided by senders who are unknown to you as these sometimes have malware that infects computers through malware infection.

The best option is to bin it immediately once any emails seem strange and then contact the sender to authenticate it through the official channel.

5. Make Your Wi-Fi Network Secure

Using public Wi-Fi networks may make life easier, but their security is often a matter of concern. When you’re accessing data that can be critical to your financial accounts using Wi-Fi networks, ensure you add an extra degree of protection by purchasing a virtual private network. With a VPN connection, all the internet traffic gets encrypted, making it hard for third parties to sniff around and intercept this traffic whilst on public WI-FI networks.

At home use stronger passwords and secure cryptography for the Wi-Fi networks. When selecting network names, avoid naming them with generic ones, also guests have to be disconnected from the Wi-Fi anytime the network isn't being used.

6. Securely Store Your Data

In case of data loss, an individual can suffer great consequences on both a personal and professional level. Thus, it is essential to regularly save the information on either an external device hard drive or cloud storage. In the event of a hack, hardware failure, or forced deletion of data, this will help. This way you're safe!

7. Be Wise and Know the Social Engineering

The social engineering techniques, which shut off manipulation, are the basic instruments for attackers to compel victims to deride personal information or access systems. 

Furthermore, cybercriminals apply other means for these purposes. Phishing emails are just one form of social engineering; cybercriminals also employ techniques like:

  • Vishing: Phishing calls that attempt to gain information over the phone.
  • Smishing: Sending malicious SMS messages designed to steal passwords. 
  • Pretexting: Crafting false scenarios to gain trust and access to confidential data.

By becoming more informed on social engineering tactics, you can remain vigilant against attempts at exploiting trust relationships and safeguard against being taken advantage of by anyone looking to take advantage of your trust.

8. Be Cautious of What You Share Online

The internet can be an expansive space, making it challenging to control its reach once information has been posted online. Make sure your posts on social media or other online platforms do not reveal personal details such as addresses, telephone numbers, or social security numbers unless it is necessary.

9. Employ Antivirus and Anti-Malware Software

Antivirus and anti-malware software are essential in guarding devices from malicious software such as viruses, worms, spyware, or ransomware that threaten them. Antivirus scanning detects potential risks before any infection takes place - or can prevent future attempts!

10. Connect With SummitCover

Although these tips provide a strong basis for cybersecurity, staying abreast of emerging threats is equally essential. At SummitCover, our experienced agents understand the nuances associated with online security for Tech and Media businesses - we can assess your cybersecurity requirements before creating a tailored cyber risk management strategy tailored to you.

We have you covered when it comes to protecting your company against data breaches and cyberattacks, with comprehensive Directors & Officers Liability coverage as an insurance option to keep financial losses at a minimum.

By pairing cybersecurity best practices with comprehensive insurance from SummitCover, you can confidently remain focused on innovation and expansion.

Stepping Up For a Secure Future

Cybersecurity should not be taken as an "all or nothing" process; by adopting these 10 tips into daily routines you can significantly strengthen the online security posture of your company or organization.

Knowledge is power; stay aware of cyber threats and educate yourself on emerging trends. Partnering with an insurance provider like SummitCover can further bolster your defenses against ever-evolving digital landscape threats and offer peace of mind.

Contact a Summit Insurance Agent Now! 

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