
Business Interruption Claim | Summit Cover

June 8, 2023

Directing and managing a business has never been a child’s play especially when it comes to filing a business interruption claim as it signifies that the current circumstances aren’t being a good friend these days. If you’re confused and wondering “How much business interruption insurance do I need?”, a good rule of thumb is to avail yourself of the gross earnings and projections of your business to get the measure of the prospective profits and calculate the right amount of coverage. Please keep in mind that if the business income costs surpass the chosen coverage limits, you will have to pay out of pocket for all the additional expenses.

Business Interruption Claim Checklist

The following series of steps identifies what a company should do to file a successful business interruption claim with its insurer. In most commercial property insurance policies, BI insurance coverage is included that must cover the financial crisis whenever a conspiratorial menace prevents your firm from executing its regular operations.

  • The location where the damage occurred must be visited. Try your best to capture the after-effects in the form of photographs and videos as visual evidence to document; noting down the extent of damage will also be a great help.
  • Document all the possible facts about whatever is lost. Please keep in mind not to limit your detection to the time and date of the loss.
  • Procure yourself with a copy of all the insurance policies.
  • Let all the insurance companies know about the loss.
  • Try maintaining a record of all sorts of communication with the insurance companies.
  • Keep a record of all the guidelines and instructions your insurance consultant and adjuster has provided you with. It includes suggestions regarding alternative business operations or the incurrence of expenditure alleviation.
  • If it deems fit, engage a reliable and independent adjuster for your case. Read more: Business interruption vs business income.
  • Ensure the implementation of work orders and establish particular general ledger accounts for the compensation of loss-related charges.
  • Business interruption account should be established for rushing the restoration costs, such as temporary repairs, incremental repair costs for fast track, incremental shipment for faster than normal delivery of repair items; and incremental costs for alternative products, such as temporary facilities, extra freight, higher production costs, premium payment of the higher cost of material on subcontracted work.
  • Get your hands on company accounting records and documents related to business interruption; it shouldn’t be limited to financial statements, tax returns, sales tax returns, cost accounting records, bank statements, and other statistical or internet records. It should also include production, inventory payrolls, and sales records for the base period, the period during the loss, and the period after the loss.
  • Perpetuate the entire record of costs that induced the aversion or reduction of the loss. This may comprise the relocation or overtime payments, extra charges for the shipment of emergency supplies, and the costs invested in the advertisement to let your potential customers know about the temporary shutdown of your business or relocation. For more details visit Summit cover.

Most of you would never consider starting up a business without giving a thought to purchasing insurance and making a winning attempt at a business interruption claim. Being a business owner, you should make sure that the policies you’re going to invest in are worth giving a shot and fulfilling the requirements for the stable integrity of your organization whether its an educational institute, restaurant, or shopping center, as challenges may encounter you in the shape of a natural disaster or the connivances of your competitors.

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